Vibrating sound (vibration) of dynamic Sahand

Serand machine, which is used for granulation and separation of particles in sand, iron ore, silica, etc. mines, is another specialized mineral processing product produced by Sahand Pooya, which is available in two vibrating Serand models. Two-story and three-story vibrating sanders are offered by this company.
The working method of dynamic Sahand vibrating sieve is that by using the regular vibration movements of the anchors in the device, the incoming particles are moved and after passing through the net, they are sieved. In the following, we will discuss the full technical specifications and advantages of using Sahand Poya’s dynamic vibrating screen.

سرند لرزشی سهند پویا

Technical specifications of Sahand Poya vibrating screen

Sahand Poya production serand machine is always available in the market in two models, two-story and three-story, which can be chosen depending on the type of need and the desired amount of sieve of raw materials. Since the number of sieves in the vibrating screen device is greater, more screening is done on the incoming raw materials, the Sahand dynamic three-layer vibrating screen is also used more to obtain very fine particles free of any impurities. take

Resistant body and anchors, emergency evacuation system, suitable and compact dimensions and opening adjustment ruler are among the prominent characteristics of dynamic Sahand vibrating sanders, whose detailed information is given in the table below:

BrandModelDimensionsNumber of anchorsNumber of springsCapacitySheet thicknessEmergency evacuation systemTotal weight of the deviceBase and output shotAperture adjustment ruler
Sahand Poyatwo floors6*1.52 pieces8 numbers400Ton/h10mmAll hydraulic11800kghashas
Sahand Poyathree floors6*24 pieces8 numbers150Ton/h12mmAll hydraulic11800kghashas

The advantages of Sahand Poya vibrating screen

  • Ease of repairing and replacing bearings and anchors
  • Reducing the depreciation of the net and bearings
  • Accuracy in separation and grading of materials
  • 100% increase in production

How to install Sahand dynamic vibrating screen

A very important thing to pay attention to when buying a Sahand dynamic vibrating screen is the measures related to the transportation, installation and operation of the device, which requires expertise in addition to the high cost. Our experts in the sales and after-sales service department are ready to accept from zero to one hundred purchase and delivery process of Sahand Poya’s vibrating screen. To know the stock and daily price of the product and other tariffs, just call us at 09121775749.

The price and purchase of Sahand Poya Vibrating Serend

With more than 12 years of brilliant experience in the field of production and after-sales service of all types of granulation machines, Sahand Pooya Company is proud to produce a powerful vibrating sand machine in two models, two floors and three floors, which can be ordered from all over Iran and only with It is possible to contact our experts in the sales department. It should be noted that due to currency fluctuations and the constant change in the price of raw materials used in the construction of machines and equipment, the final price of the products is constantly changing. The proposal of Sahand Pooya Company as a manufacturer of vibrating serand devices is to contact our experts in the sales department of the company, who are ready to provide price and purchase advice to you, dear customers, every day.